Perhaps it is because our house is a mess.  Perhaps it is because I have to put 4 to 5 coats of paint on the cabinets.  The kitchen seems to be taking a LONG DANG TIME.  I know in reality, it isn’t really.  You hear stories about people that go 6 months without their kitchens and I would seriously crack if that was the case!  I think we are on a month or so now, and it is just dirty and full of paint cans and dust and just well…dirty.

For those that think I do it all, believe me, I am not!  Our downstairs looks like a tornado hit it, and the kids aren’t helping.  Since it’s already so dirty they think we won’t notice all the toys and papers and dirty clothes strewn all over the place.  But I do.  And it’s driving me C.R.A.Z.Y.  Pigsty comes to mind.

Today we will (hopefully) be getting our countertops in, so that is very nice.  Right now everything is all over the place since we had to empty them for the installation.  I was hoping to have the bottom cabinets done before the install, and I do have some (4!!) coats on them.  Not the doors yet, though.  I’m hoping I won’t have to fix too much after they tear off the old countertop. 

After the first two coats of the BLUE!, I was a bit concerned.  It seemed a little, well, BLUE!  Like imagine the electric BLUE! from the 80’s.  That kind of BLUE!  I actually laughed that hysterical, OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE laugh.  Getting a few more coats on it will hopefully tone it down a bit.

Right now I’m trying to just be patient.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and cabinets apparently take a long dang time to paint.  I’m not quite sure how they get it all done on those HGTV shows, but apparently they have lots of extra hands…or no sleep…maybe both.

We also have one of Brian’s friends over this weekend.  Since he’s single, I’m sure our house won’t be any dirtier than his…I hope. 😉


On another note….HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!