A work mate said last week, “Do you realize there is only 8 weeks to Christmas??”  As of today we are exactly 7 weeks away from Christmas Eve.

Wow, how did THAT happen?  It seems like it was just Labor Day and that was about 8 weeks ago.  It is going to come on fast…again.  Just like it does every year!

I haven’t even thought about presents for everyone.  Not that the kids don’t say they want random toys as they watch the commercials during their cartoons every weekend morning.  They keep on changing what they want, so guess what??  I’m not buying anything until late November at the earliest.  Unless it is something really special that will definitely sell out.  I’ve been admonished about that in the past…well, actually Santa took the fall for that one. 😉

Calendar of events:

  • Operation Christmas Child boxes are due to the distribution centers the week of November 16-23.  Good charity experience for the kids.  It is so hard for them to not get anything at the store when we pick things out for the boxes, but it is good for them to try to understand what charity means.
  • Santa comes to the mall on November 20th.  We have taken the kids the last two years to see Santa come in with his sleigh and two little reindeer.  Then we wait in line FOREVER to have them tell him what they want for Christmas.  Then hope Santa can find it at Target.
  • Decorate for Christmas the day before Thanksgiving.  Do I think it will happen this year?? NO.  I’m thinking we will have to be super duper lucky to get the house renovation done by then.
  • Thanksgiving.  Eats lots of food until we are stuffed.
  • Kai’s birthday
  • My birthday
  • Christmas festivities – to be determined

In the meantime I will be buying lots of gifts, making some gifts, and attempting to do another holiday photo album.  Where I can, I will post the holiday gifts that I make.  Oh, and the holiday card.  I have an idea of the picture and card design for this year.  Last year’s picture was pretty fun.

Last year we tried to really enjoy the holidays.  We tried not to do too  much and did some things together that were a fun experience.  Like making our first gingerbread house.  I already bought the one for this year, too. 🙂 

This year I’d really like to squeak in the holiday light parade downtown.  As long as it doesn’t get too frigid.  I have my limits on holiday fun, and it usually revolves around me not freezing.

Only 50 days until Christmas!