I was tagged by Colleen for a meme, so here are 10 random “about me” facts.  I know some of the readers here don’t know me beyond the fact that I have created quite extraordinarily cuteness from my womb and I know how to wield a sewing machine and camera.  Although, to be honest, wielding a sewing machine is quite cumbersome.

So, here are ten random facts/habits about me that most of my family/friends probably already know.

#1.  I used to participate in rodeos.  Yes, I grew up in Wisconsin and they have rodeos there.  In fact they have rodeos in pretty much most of the states and even some of the Canadian provinces.  Believe it or not Texans, they do ride horses in other states.  Heck they have rodeos in Hawaii, which proves to be quite a hassle when they come to compete in the Nationals.  Horses don’t swim very well. 

I started competing when I was 10 or so, but I was tagging along to rodeos that my parents competed in since I was probably around 3 or 4.  It was a way of life for us.  Here I am on my Pole Bending horse, Scotty.  I’m pretty sure I was 18 at the time.


My favorite event was Breakaway Roping and my least favorite was Goat Tying.  I know, it is hard to believe, but jumping off a running horse isn’t as fun as it looks.  I’m sure I sprained my ankle a time or two, but we never went to the hospital unless bones were actually protruding from the skin and the blood was gushing, so really, I don’t know if it was that or it just hurt really dang bad.

#2  I know how to perform taxidermy.  Yes, putting dead animal skins on plastic forms is yet ANOTHER skill that I possess.  It has been years since I helped my Dad, but I’m sure I could do it in a pinch if need be.  My Dad is a taxidermist and needed help from time to time so I know how to flesh out deer hides, which is particularly gruesome in taking the hide of the head…especially around the eyeballs.  You weren’t hungry were you??  I’m guessing not now!

#3  I am rather unathletic.  I really don’t like sports all that much…really any sport.  I loved rodeo when I was a participant but watching it isn’t that exciting for me.  Probably since I have been to SO MANY of them over my life.  I tried softball in junior high and that was okay, but really, since I have sports induced asthma, I don’t like anything that makes my breathing worse.  So that is my excuse for being lazy…I really need to find a better one though, don’t I?

#4  I hate watching people get embarrassed on TV or in the movies.  I will actually leave the room if I can see it coming because it makes me so uncomfortable.  I don’t know why, because, hey it isn’t ME in that situation, but it just really, really bothers me.

#5  Once when I was at a rodeo I sang the Star Spangled Banner and did just a horrible job, that I practiced and practiced so now I can sing it pretty well.  It was embarrassing how badly I sang it!  I usually said the Cowboy’s Prayer before every performance when I was in High School Rodeo, but the singing made me very nervous.

#6  I hate public speaking.  Thus the reason why I competed in forensics, volunteered to do the Cowboy’s Prayer, volunteered to do a week-long training session at my old job, etc.  I don’t like being afraid of things, so I try to get better at them.  My fear of public speaking never went away, but I got better at controlling the shaking.  Sometimes my muscles would hurt afterwards from the clenching because I didn’t want anyone to see my hands or legs shaking.

#7 I took about 6.5 years of French language classes between junior high, high school and college, and I can barely communicate in it now.  Apparently since I didn’t use the language anymore, my brain decided it didn’t need to retain it.  I can still understand a bit, but most of the harder words and conjugations I have forgotten.  So, right now if I were to go to France, I would be saying, “Je ne parle pas Francais” a lot (I don’t speak French).

#8 I have an annoying habit of picking up regional accents if I am around them too much.  I really have to watch myself when I am down south or out east, because I have a tendency to start speaking using their accents.  It isn’t really conscious either, I will start talking and out it will come!  Very annoying and embarrassing.  I”m sure people have looked at me as if I were a complete weirdo.  I’m okay with that…really.

#9 I never really enjoyed being pregnant that much.  Sure there were about 2 months in there where I wasn’t throwing up all day and every joint in my body didn’t ache, but they went by pretty quick.  If I could give birth to a nice 7.5-pounder as soon as I found out I was pregnant…that would be quite lovely.

#10 We are really bad about going to church.  We have a nice church just a short jag down the road, which is where we Baptised the kids, but we don’t actually attend Mass.  I like the church, too.  Yes, I am very lazy…I can’t seem to get up in the morning to go to church…and I feel very guilty about it.

Now, I’m supposed to tag other people for this meme, but I’m a rebel.  I’m not going to do it, so there!  There have been a few similar ones going around, so I think every one with a blog I know has mostly done this.  If you haven’t and you want to…go for it!  I’d love to learn more about you…yes YOU!  Leave me a comment if you do and I will be all nosy and go read it.

Hope this has been informative, if a little grody.  Have a lovely day!