Grateful that I could take the day off of work to go on the zoo fieldtrip with Anya.  Her class has a great group of parents, as there were 10 of us that went along on the trip.  That meant we each got our kid plus one other and the teacher took the group of three.

The little girl that went along with Anya was very sweet and kept wanting to hold hands on our walk.  It was only near the end of the day, where I had to keep calling her back as we headed near the entrance.  Anya knows when Mommy says stay here, you STAY HERE.  At least I only had to run after one kid.  Luckily, I wasn’t the mom that briefly lost one of the boys. I felt for her.  They were constantly running, running, so she thought he had ran ahead of her, but he didn’t.  She found him right away, at least.

Oh, and there was the thunderstorm.  When we got on the bus, I was monitoring the weather with my Android smartphone.  I’m just starting to figure out the aps on smartphones, and I downloaded a weather one from a local newstation.  It was pretty much red and yellow.  When we got there, one class had to go out to the farm exhibit for a presentation.  It’s a good 10 minute walk, and the storm was about 5 minutes away from hitting.  Yeah, if I was a parent chaperone for that class, I would have kept my kid back.  “Y’all go ahead, and get struck by lightning and hail…I think we will be sitting this one out.  I’ve caught a case of Common Sense!”


Then, baseball started this week! I am grateful that Kailan is on a team with his little friend, Tommy.  Tommy’s mom enrolled him in a choice school in our district and an opening came up, so he left Kai’s class.  He is such a nice little guy, that it is a bummer they won’t be in the same school anymore.

Then…I’m just grateful for Spring.  Even though it has been raining pretty constant here, I know it is good.  The lack of snow this winter needs to be made up somehow.