What is up with the weather this year??  Okay, I realize the winter last year was a normal winter and we have been really spoiled for the last several years.  I acquiesce to that fact. 

The spring started out not so wonderful and had been very cool here.  I think we should be having summer-like weather right now, but it is not happening.  I want to be wearing shorts and instead we are usually still in jeans.  I think we have only had two 80+ degree days so far this year.

The cool weather has presented itself with a bit of a confluence of bad things happening.  Warm air to the south of us and our cool air is apparently a bad thing when they converge.  Hence…tornadoes, hail storms and all around sucky weather for us. 

Last Saturday whilst I was inside a movie theatre enjoying watching Sex and the City with my girlfriends, we heard thunder and the screen flickered.  Not good.  It was sunny when we went inside.  Apparently it HAILED and a thunderstorm passed by while we were in there.  Yay.  I couldn’t wait to see if my car was damaged while sitting out in the parking lot.  Luckily my brand-almost-new car was not damaged.  It hailed at our house, but it wasn’t large enough or wind driven, so we didn’t have damage there either.  A friend of ours that we met up with later that night said that their whole grass was covered with tons of hail.  One of my coworkers said her plants were shredded from the hail north of where we live.  Lovely.

Then, there was yesterday.  All week the weather prognosticators had been telling us that we were going to have a bad storm on Thursday.  Turns out, they were actually CORRECT for once.  This led to me watching the weather news online all day to see if I needed to go get my babies out of daycare and hide in the basement.  Brian was sent into the storm shelter at his work. 

They said that the worst of it would come overnight.  Fabulous.  I love storms hitting while we are sleeping.  I get so much sleep, since I spend the night worrying about a tornado hitting us while we are prone and unawares.

The storm last fall hit at around 3am.  Brian and I woke up, but that was most likely due to the fact that lighting struck our tree about 15 feet from our bedroom.  Most of our neighbors slept through it, including a family that lost all of their mature trees in the back of their yard.  I was uneasy with storms before, but that one really made me scared.  When I went downstairs to check the weather, our water birch in the backyard was pretty much horizontal from the 80 mph winds.  Thank goodness it’s so flexible.

I think it is time to splurge and get a weather alert alarm.  I have no idea which one to get or where to get one, but I need one for my own piece of mind.  We can hardly hear the storm siren, so that wouldn’t do us much good if they did try to alert us.  If anyone has one of them, let me know if you do and if you like it.  I need a little piece of mind, and I think it will definitely come in handy this year.

See that fence behind the downed willow?  Yeah, that’s us.  This is from the storm last fall.  The owner took the rest of the tree down this spring.  It was such a big pretty willow tree.