The zoo.  A nirvana for the senses for the little people.  Zoo’s are pretty much kids’ idea of heaven on earth, because they can yell and run (right?? it’s not just our kids that act wild) and see all sorts of creatures.  They can’t pet them though…our kids were a bit disappointed in that aspect of the zoo.

The wild things.

Don’t they know there are children watching??  Avert your eyes, little ones, this is National Geographic in action. 😉


Dudes…can you see an escape route that way?? 

No, dude, nothing this way.

Nadda over here, dude.  Just lots of people saying, “Oh, cute!”

Okay, Dudes…look cute…maybe they will let us out!


Man, it’s hot.  Maybe if we huddle together and lay on each other we will cool off.

No one said that Prairie Dogs were smart.


Hey, did someone say look cute?!  Severe cuteness factor right here, baby!

You ain’t got nothin’ on me baby Meerkat.  I’m so much cuter!  I’m positively oozing cuteness, Dude.


Why don’t you both come over here.  I can decide which one of you tastes…err…IS cuter.  Heh, heh, heh. *drool, drool*


Uhhhh…no thanks.  *shudder* I’m going to take a nap in the nest with my homies.



Dudes…I am totally cuter than all of you.

You know what?  I think he’s right. 😉


What wildness do you have to share this week? 🙂