More jeans!

Anya wanted a pair of purple pants (amazingly…not black) and luckily I had about 3 yards of purple corduroy.  These things are not quick to make, unfortunately.   At least now she has some more pants!

(Sorry, I quick took pictures and the color is still a bit off.  Plus…I am learning a new version of Photoshop)

I hand-sewed the sequin string onto the pants.  I put a glue stick on the backside and placed it.  That way it didn’t move around much while I was sewing it on.  My needle did get a bit sticky, but it still worked fine.  Much easier than without the glue, and it washes out.

The flower on the back pocket is an iron-on I bought years ago.

The shirt is a simple peasant top style.  I drew up the pattern and didn’t get the sleeves right.  They didn’t have enough space for the arms.  I had to recut and re-jigger the shirt a bit, but now it works.

The heart was a stencil I drew up and cut out all those little bits with an exacto knife.

Did I mention I got a Silhouette for Christmas?

Yeah, I haven’t had time to figure it out yet.  My computer was on it’s last legs and the hubster built me a new one, so I haven’t spent a lot of time in front of my computer in the last month or so.

My work computer is another matter entirely.

The ruffles on the shoulders are of woven material that I cut out on the bias.  They shouldn’t fray, so I didn’t finish the edges.  I ruffled them up using clear elastic.

So…that is the pathetic amount of sewing I have accomplished lately.  Unfortunately, time has not been on my side.  We have been busy, but not all has been work…there has been some play involved.  I need to figure out how to get Noiseware back on my computer, so I can process my pictures better.  Then I can post some more of the happenings…