It had been a bit of a cool start to the summer, so as of last weekend we had only been to the beach once before.  We just met up with one family, this time.  David is a mean griller, so we enjoy eating at the lake immensely!  We bring some wine, lots of water, snacks and salads and the kids play together for hours.

The boys started out playing in the sun and then they decided to help the girls under the shade.  Anya was the foreman on this construction site.  Pretty much giving orders and doing nothing herself!

When they were finally done, they called us all over to see their “island”.  It had a few castles and a volcano.

Once they were done with playing in the dirt, they went back to trying to rope.  Their little friend was very determined to figure it out.  He didn’t even complain for having to use Anya’s pink rope!

At the end they played a game of “baseball” with woofle balls and a bat-like water squirter.  The boys ended up losing and that was a bit hard on the other little boy.  Losing to his little sister was just not acceptable!

After our dinner of wood smoked salmon, arugula salad and panzanella salad it was time to pack up.

We stayed for a little longer on the nearly empty beach.  Kai played at the water table and then Anya ran along the beach.

A lovely end to a Saturday on the beach!