There are a few things that I wish our kids knew. These aren’t hopes and dreams I wish for them so they have a complete and fulfilling life. No…they are things I wish they knew so they don’t drive us insane. A lofty aspiration, I know.
The answer to “Why”, “What’s that” and “Where’s Daddy” will be the same as the last 10 times you asked me in the past two minutes. It won’t change…I promise. Please stop.
Just because there is a pile of dirt or puddle of mud, it doesn’t mean you have to play in it…Anya. Especially if Mommy dressed you in pretty clothes she doesn’t want ruined. There is only so much the Shout Triple Action, Clorox Bleach pen and vigorous scrubbing can fix. Believe me, I’ve tried.
TV has commercials. You have been watching TV for long enough to realize that your precious cartoons will come back in 2 minutes. Stop asking me to make it come back every 2 seconds. Patience, child.
Air is not a food group. Just because you want to play with your cars instead of eat, it doesn’t mean you are “All done”. Stop teaching your sister this! She is starting to take your lead. 🙁
Today is not your birthday, just because you want a gift. You have a looooooong wait, child.
Trying to wrestle with your parents while they are attempting to change your poopy diaper is not nearly as funny as you think it is.
I know there are several more items to be put on the “wish list”, but right now my sleep deprived brain can only think of these few at the top of the list.
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