Finally, the kids are at the age where it is getting to be more fun for them to go to the festival.  Anya still is too young for the majority of the rides, but Kailan was able to partake in several of the little kid rides.  He was even able to play a few games, however it was mostly with the assistance of others.

It is quite the racket that these carnies have going.  Each game is $2 to play, and kids are guaranteed a prize.  Whoo hoo, right?  Well, the prizes are not exactly top rail kind of items.  They are pretty much crap that takes up space in your house.  Kailan won a matchbox car, where the back axel was broke in about 10 minutes.  Crap.  Then we got the 4 foot long tube filled with air that probably cost $0.10.  More crap that is large enough to be really annoying. 

I guess there was one prize that wasn’t too bad…a plastic dagger with it’s own sheath.  Kailan went straight for that one.  Yes, we are turning our children into…US!

As Brian woefully stated, the prizes are not nearly as nice as when we were kids.  You can’t win half naked pictures of women anymore.  So….I guess there has been SOME improvement in prizes. 😉

Grandpa would be proud!

Needed a little help with this one…but he got a dagger!

This purple tube thing is pretty fun!

Enjoying the Carousel…right before she didn’t like it anymore and wanted mommy to hold her.