We went to the park for some pre-dinner play.  Lots of fun to be had.

We found a path to a tiny little lake (pond) so we went exploring.

Yep, little lake…lots of algae.

We found a spot where we could get close to our newly found muddy little lake.

The picture that is missing is where a little boy near us flung his stick full of dirt into Kai’s eye.  He was crying…just a little.  The mommy felt bad, but she did tell him to stop, several times, before a big glob landed in Kai’s eye.  Don’t you just love parents that tell their kids to stop doing something, but never actually make them stop if they don’t listen??

He recovered but we had to hoof it back to the car to get some water to wash out his eye.  Me carrying him, crying, and Anya following behind.  We met them up on the playground later and the mommy apoligized again.  I was pleasant and told her that it was fine, he was okay.  Just a day in the life with toddlers.

I would have shared a much funner story in photos today if my kids were appropriately attired.  There is a limit to the future embarrassment I will reap on them.  Really.  There were running around in their skivies and each trying on Kailan’s PowerRanger costume at alternating times.  It was fun to watch them have so much fun. 🙂  Those will be our personal shots – my favorite is where Kai was showing Anya the appropriate super hero stance.  Let me tell ya – it was epic.


What stories do you have to tell today?