We have been fairly lucky thus far that we have limited our children’s exposure to annoying animated characters.  While we do occassionally watch cartoons, we limit them to ones we can semi-stand.  Unfortunately daycare is conspiring against us and has introduced Elmo to our children.

The rest of the world seems to be fascinated by the little freak with the squeeky voice.  Look at the buying frenzy after Elmo TMX came out.  Now they are selling on Ebay for $100 a piece since you can’t find them in any store on the planet right now.  I’m pretty sure that if we brought one home for our little kiddos, they would be frightened by the convulsing, manic-laughing, red furry monster writhing on the floor.

I know a few friends that went out and got them right away and bought 10.  One for their kids and 9 to sell on Ebay.  Hopefully they can get their money back, but I have a feeling that the company will “miraculously” find enough stock to supply the Christmas demand.  The demand which they said they wouldn’t be able to fill, thus creating a buying frenzy, since who really needs 10 Elmos for their child.  Can you just feel the Christmas spirit??