I mentioned a month ago that we acquired a new blade for our collection of deadly implements we like to scatter about the house.  We picked it up after our Valleyfair outing, so it is proudly hanging on our wall…out of reach of the toddlers.

As an aside here, whenever we take the kids to the doctor’s office we have to fill out a standard form asking us all sorts of safety questions.  One of these questions is whether we have any weapons in the house.  I’m at the point of not wanting to answer this question anymore from the disapproving expression on our doctor’s face…right after the surprised expression. 

“Well, we do have a shotgun, 3 display knives, a Viking Seax, a rapier, and a matching long sword and dagger set…do those count?”

Apparently it’s dangerous to have those things in the house…who knew???  We aren’t idiots, but apparently our doctor with his superior degree in medicine knows more about handling guns and other weaponry than two adults that grew up in homes with several guns.  Surprisingly we aren’t dead and somehow made it through that minefield of a childhood AGAINST ALL ODDS.  Unlike some individuals on this Earth, we do possess a smidge of common sense…hopefully we will be able to pass that on to our children.


Here are some pictures of our new acquisition, which is apparently in Blade magazine this month…which we can’t find ANYWHERE!  If you happen across a copy, pick it up for us and we’ll pay ya back.  The carving is just amazing…this guy is truly an artist.

Sword of the Oak King

This isn’t the best picture of the whole thing…I’ll have to take another, I think.

Sword hanging