After my foray into the dreaded Wally World this past weekend, I am reminded again why I am repulsed by the place. This is besides their lack of charitable giving in account of the gobs of money they have from pinching their suppliers to the penny forcing them to outsource to non-US based production, meanwhile trying to keep wages as low as possible on their workers. You know, besides that.
I was in there on Sunday, and being the anal retentive person that I am, the disorganization just irks me to no end. There is no rhyme or reason to where they shoved everything in the corners, so it takes you twice as long to find things, thereby forcing you to throw objects that you probably would not have bought into your cart since you had to peruse the ENTIRE STORE for the 3 things you came to buy. And it just seems dirty.
The clientele that shop at the Walmart here can pretty much be summed up by the lady that I heard saying to her kids, “Put those books down and lets go find some toys.” She’s obviously not raising her kids to be Nobel laureates. Hell no, don’t read! Let’s go find some annoying toys that make noise or shoot people!
Hopefully I have no reason to go there again for the next 6 months. I usually try to keep my visits a bi-annual occurance. They do have low, low prices, though. That is just not enough for me to shop there. I did get a few cute items that I didn’t go there to buy. They somehow just landed in my cart. Not on purpose though. They were pretty cheap…
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