Actually it was rather warm this day.  So warm, in fact, that the ice sculptures were wilting and falling before our eyes.  Many of them fell, if not moments after I took pictures, then by the time we left.  It was around 45 degrees, and that is not conducive to ice sculptures.

I think it was called unicorns of the odyssey…notice…no horns!  The sphere had also fallen by the time we left.

I don’t think the wing-ed bird liked my camera.  A wing fell off seconds after I pressed the shutter.

There were small broken pieces around this one, so not sure what it all looked like.  The one next to it was in a pile of unrecognizable ice.

Then later after we got home, the kids and I went for a little walk.  I hadn’t been to the lake since the Fall, so I thought it might be nice to go there and take pictures.  Someone had taken some of the snow off and made an ice skating area.  We walked on the ice, and it was pretty thick.  Except where it started cracking when I walked on it.  Walk faster kids…get over there!

They were checking out the minnows frozen in the ice.  It was just a little grody.


What cold do you have to share today? 🙂