Most sewing mavens start out small.  I remember when I was younger, I would buy fabric and actually have a plan for what to make with it.  I would buy the actual yardage needed and only have a few scraps left over.  Ah, the good old days of sensible purchases!

I stopped sewing after college, since I didn’t have a good machine and I was busy working (10-14 hour days).  I had purged what fabric I had at the time I moved, so I didn’t really have anything to sew with.  A few years later I started sewing again and had a few drawers with some fabric…not much really.

Along came the munchkins.  Now, it is out of hand, really.  I mean I don’t need all of this, but I JUST. CAN’T. STOP. BUYING.  I wander into the store and I’m overcome and overwrought with ideas floating in front of my eyes and unwittingly fill my cart up with bolts and remnants of whatever pretties catch my fancy.  At least now I don’t really buy much clothing for the kids.  I feel guilty.  I mean, that’s the reason I bought all this fabric in the first place!

I would really love to get it all organized decently.  Oh, how I long for a finished basement with a craft room!  I’m trying really, really hard to just wait on buying something for storage.  I rather like these glass bookcases from Ikea right now, and with these fabric storage boards I could be so organized!  I could look at all my pretties and they would be away from dust. 

For now, I have these…rather depressing to look at aren’t they?  Kinda messy, too, huh?

I thought I should start to organize, and look at how organized I am!  I turned a box of chaos into a nice organized drawer by just cutting up a few cardboard boxes.  Now I can see all my pretty trims, just waiting for a project.


…And because I can’t have a crafty post without craftiness, look at this cute little taggie blankie that I made for a baby gift (late as usual!).  Her big brother has one I made previously and he really wanted his little sister to get one, too, bless his heart.  I found this flannel and just love it.  It’s so pretty.  I felt it was the perfect choice.  It has blue because her brother wanted her to have one, and lots of girly pink. 🙂


Want to make one, too?  Here’s a quick tutorial on making a taggie blankie.

I have done more in the past few weeks than just this, of course.  I got a lot of scrapbooking done, and I need to pick up some albums to get the pages put away.  I made 2 shirts and one skirt for me.  I made another skort for Anya and am working on a tutorial for that.  I forgot to do something that I was going to add to it, so I may be taking pictures over again.  I have a bunch of swimsuits, a few dresses and a skort all cut up and ready to sew.  Now all I need is a little more free time. 🙂