Theme Thursday:  Summertime Memories

Please remind me of warm days!


It started snowing yesterday around 3:30, which helped to cover the brown grass that had been exposed from a melting last week.  I’d honestly rather look at snow than brown, especially knowing the brown won’t be turning green for at least 2 more months.

I really look forward to swimming classes these days.  It is warm and humid in there and helps the dry skin and nasty eczema patch I have above ONE eye.  Seriously…what’s up with that??

Anyways, back to swimming.  About four weeks ago Anya was in her class and I was on the other side of the room not being able to get a chair close.  Brian was by Kailan’s class.  I looked over and Anya was crying and her teacher was holding her.  This happened twice over the course of the class.  Apparently, she started swimming when she wasn’t supposed to and went under because the teacher was watching the kid that was supposed to be swimming.  Well, that wasn’t good.

To top it off, the next week (where I was sitting RIGHT THERE this time) her teacher thought she had reached the bench and turned around.  Anya slipped and went under again.  Now she was really scared of putting her head in the water and just getting off the bench to swim.  Great.

It has gotten better the last few weeks.  She is starting to not pause and actually throw herself into the water so hopefully she will progress better.  There is one more session we have signed them up for before summer arrives.  Then we are going to join a pool in our neighborhood and we can get them to attempt to swim and just have fun in the water.  I’m looking forward to it.

What I’m not looking forward to is putting on a swimsuit.  *shudder*  I’m going to try to figure out how to make a flattering swimsuit for me.  Wish me luck. 😉


Since our little man hasn’t had much face time lately…here he is *mostly* cooperating for mommy. 🙂  He has been doing really well lately.  We hear, “how do you spell…” often these days.  He’s getting better at sounding out words to spell them by how the letters sound.  Guess all those phonics classes we pay extra for at daycare are actually working!