Gosh, what should we have for our new year’s resolutions?  Let’s see….

  • Somehow convince Kailan that sleeping is a GOOD thing.  It will enrich everyones lives if they don’t have to deal with his crankiness.
  • Lose the 5 lbs that I put on over the holidays…and those other 5 pounds I put on after I quit nursing…of course that would require effort on my part and some self control.  Nevermind.
  • Somehow convince our children that there are other food groups besides dairy…and they taste GOOD.  Yummy, yummy in your tummy!
  • Somehow convince Kailan to allow his mommy to pick out his clothes in the morning so he MATCHES.  Seriously, he is a small representation of his mother’s fashion sense and he hasn’t been holding up his end.  Oh, and the shirt doesn’t always need to have a creature or vehicle on it for it to be wearable.  Mommy bought some very nice shirts that have yet to be worn because there are no ugly miscreants adorning them.
  • Convince our children that they can play together without taking each other’s toys, thus creating a spiral of screaming, crying and yelling for mommy and/or daddy.  Additionally, need to teach them the true meaning of “sharing”.  It is not allowable to take your sister’s toy when you want it under the guise of “sharing”.  We’re onto you, fella.
  • Find my memory…I know it’s out there somewhere!


Happy New Year…may it be full of happiness!