I think the reason why I don’t get my hair cut very often is due to the young lady I had cutting my hair on Friday.  I made a last minute appointment (as usual) and didn’t know the gal from any previous time.  I saw her and thought, “Sweet!  She has long hair, too, so she won’t try to pull it all out by the roots!”  Boy, was I wrong.  🙁

After getting my hair all tangled up in the wash basin, she proceeded to brush it out with a bristled brush (OUCH) and then during blow drying she was combing through it with her fingers and yanking out all the snarls.  I had tears in my eyes. Meanie.

On top of it all she wasn’t very sociable, either.

One of these days I’m going to have the gumption to grab their hand and say, “Step away from the brush, you cruel person!”  I didn’t leave her a very good tip, but it wasn’t bad enough to make a point.  Brian said I should have given her a teeny tip to make a point.  I wish I had, but really I should have just said she did a crappy job and HURT ME over just giving a bad tip. *sigh*

One of these days…

Here is my new haircut…which is pretty much like the last one.  Just ignore that it is completely out of focus…actually it blurs the skin imperfections quite nicely…must do that more often!  Boy, do I need to dye my hair.