As I was browsing blogdom, I came across a blog about a woman who was livid (and rightly so) at the Today Show for setting her up.  She came on the show to talk about mom’s having playdates with alcohol present, as a way to get together socially.

As you can imagine she was lambasted because, as all of us women know, our ovaries negate our ability to consume alcolhol to any degree and use our minds at the same time.  We would obviously use a get together like that to get drunk and wild, because a three-year-old needs to learn to drive sometime, right?

Upon reading her post about the show and her playdates, the first thing that came to my mind was, “How do I get in on that action?”  Having a glass of vino while discussing the best type of diapers to buy sounds like a blast!

She wasn’t encouraging mom’s getting together to have a college party kegger.  She was encouraging mom’s to get together to have a social drink (or not…whatever turns your crank), because for some moms this is the only opportunity they have to tip a glass (in moderation).

Seriously, after a day of potty-training, reading books aimed at the IQ of our little baby blobs, and cleaning up poo, playdough and pancakes caked with syrup, who wouldn’t need a glass just to unwind a little?  Having children see a healthy relationship with alcohol is much better than the alternative.