Yesterday was Anya’s 4 year doctor appointment, so I picked her up and we went over to the office and look at the fishies.  Whatever distracts them, right??


I was going to pick them both up, but I couldn’t get Kailan up from his nap.  I let him sleep, which seemed to be the best idea at the time.  He was super tired, which is never a good thing with Kailan.  When I returned to get him, the kids were all outside and Kai was sitting in the corner of the playground all sad.  He really wanted to go, too.  🙁  At least Anya had a sticker for him…and I had a lollipop for him at home.  Anya got a lollipop for taking her shots like a champ, and when asked if we sh0uld maybe let Kai have one, too…she agreed. 

Her nurse said she was the best 4 year old she’s ever had.  Anya got 4 shots and didn’t cry at all.  Our little trooper!

Anya’s pertinent and all important growing stats show that she is in the 75% for height and 50% for weight.  She used to be around 50% for height, which is why she actually was able to fit in 3T when she was 3 years old.  Now she is in 5T clothes and she just turned 4.  The little bugger just wants to catch up to her brother, I think!  Too bad he grows like a weed, too, since some of his size 6 jeans are almost too short for him at 5.5 years old. 

After her appointment and a brief stop home we went to Costco on empty stomachs (BAD!).  After I spent a month of our retirement savings, we had to get home for some more plantings.  I’ve almost got everything in the ground…I just need Brian to till up a big patch for the dahlias and cannas.   I’m thinking by the end of the long weekend everything will be planted.  The kids have been our intermitent little helpers, but at least they are excited about it for 2 minutes before it becomes “work”.  😉

Thanks for all the nice comments on our yard.  It tends to be a bit of work (weed, weed, weed and weed again), but it keeps us busy.  It’s pretty fun to look at when everything is all pretty, too. 🙂  I’ll try to get a series of posts together on what we have planted and where.  It will give me a good excuse to get all our planting written down since my memory is just terrible!