I’m getting the urge again…to start sewing!  I was in sewing overload there for awhile, but now I’m ready to start messing up my dining room again.  We actually saw the top of the table for over a month!  Amazing!  We could finally see all the scratches that my sewing machine, needles, scissors, etc…has made to our fairly new table…lovely.  It was bound to happen, right? At least the mama did it instead of the kids, so I only have myself to blame.

Now my friends are going to start popping babies, so I need to get those baby shower Mei Tai’s made.  Oops, told ya what you’re getting…like it was ever a question, right?  I’ve also got a bunch of taggie blankies stockpiled from that failed endeavor, so guess what?  Gettin’ one of those, too!  I have to hide them or Anya tends to claim them as her own…she’s got quite the obsession with them.

I also want to make some purses and start working on Anya’s summer wardrobe.  I have stacks upon stacks of girly fabric waiting to be made into equally girly clothes. 

I hope Anya outlasts Kailan for when she stops allowing me to dress her.  I no longer get to choose Kai’s clothing.  You don’t know how much stress this causes us in the morning.  Do you realize just how long it takes a toddler to choose his clothes in the morning?  A snail on Valium moves faster.

Then the purses, thing…have you seen these fabulous bags at 1154 Lill?  Lovely, I have one.  It cost me loads of cash for something I could have made myself for under $20.  Why, do you ask, was I so insane to spend that obscene amount of money on a purse I could make??  Well, I was invited to a purse party, so therefore I had to buy it.  It’s the herd mentality all of us women undergo when we are invited to a home party of some sort.  If I’m ever invited to a party, I ALWAYS buy something.  I’m a sucker.

I hope you all don’t mind, but I’m going to post pictures of my projects.  It’s just ’cause I like to share, especially when I’ve spent several hours working on something and get all frustrated, but in the end I actually have something I’m proud of…and Brian just doesn’t get it because he’s male…so I have to share with someone else.  You’re it!