When we heard that we were going to get another snowstorm this week, we were, of course, quite incredulous.  MORE SNOW?  How can it be true??  All winter long we only received a dusting.

It started overnight on Wednesday and we woke up to a couple of inches on the ground…big wupping deal.  Then those darn meteorologists had the audacity to say that was just a taste of what was to come. Expect at least a foot of snow.*cue the dramatic music* 

I got to work and it was raining/sleeting and about 10am it turned to big, fluffy snowflakes.  Awww, that is what snow is supposed to look like…oh wait, you can’t see more than 10 feet out the window.  Crap, there’s a lot coming down!

Ever heard of “Thunder Snow” before?  Apparently it is when it is snowing really, really hard.  Like most of the day yesterday…like 2 inches of snow an hour!

So…at 2pm my office closed for the day and I went and picked up the munchkins.  Days like these make me glad I have 4-wheel drive.  I made sure to grab the snow gear from daycare, and when we got home I attempted to shovel some of the 6-8 inches of snow while the kids played.  Most of the time I was facilitating sledding down the home-made snow hill.  Then Kai got cold and wanted to watch a movie.  I took him inside and let him watch his Stargate SG-1 while Anya and I played in the snow as I tried to shovel a path for Brian’s car.

That’s right people, Anya outlasted Kailan in the snow!  She was having a great time sledding and playing in the snow…until…she realized…crap, IT’S COLD!  So, then the crying and fussing started and I got the princess in the house.  She lasted much longer than I thought she would, so I think the snow is growing on her!

Later, Brian finished up shoveling and the kids played outside some more.  Here are some snow pictures and some sledding pictures at dusk (had to use the flash and the snow was still coming down pretty good, so not my normal quality of photos, but beggars can’t be choosers!).


Anya walking

Poor tree

Snow covered trees