It has been another long time in between updates.  You may come to the conclusion that we are a busy household by our lack of communication…and you may be correct!

We have been hibernating for the winter the last month or so.  Yet another year has gone by where I think the groundhogs are smoking crack.  Who came up with the “6 weeks” of winter remaining?  It is pretty much a guarantee regardless of whether the sun is shining, behind clouds, or obscured by a ferocious blizzard that we will be wearing coats until May.

We travel back and forth to work and daycare and that seems to be the extent of our adventures these days.  The children have been battling sickness, with RSV and colds.  Unfortunately daycares are like one gigantic petrie dish and our children are sitting in the middle.  I am happy that Anya was able to go this long without getting sick, but she went ahead and got a bad one for her first.  We have been using the nebulizer quite often the past few weeks.

A little info on RSV if you don’t know what that is:

Anya just had her 9 month doctor’s appointment and has slacked off a bit in her growth.  She went down to the 70% for her height, whereas she was in the 90% at 6 months.  She also went down to the 50% for weight, so She is starting to discover the world of table foods, so that has been fun, albeit messy.  Switching her to formula went relatively painlessly.  Most nights she sleeps through, but this cold has been a bit of an adversary for that. She continues to be a happy child and her favorite activity is trying to grab your lips with her razor-like fingernails or stick her fingers up your nose.  It is quite entertaining for her as mommy and daddy are trying to deflect her little hands.  She is also crawling around like a little rocket and I can just see the fat melting off her little thunder thighs.  I’m just glad we no longer have the cat’s litterbox to worry about.

Kai is also doing very well; however, he is losing weight.  We know that as they get older and more active they do tend to slim down a bit.  Part of the problem is his diet.  He would rather subsist on a diet solely comprised of cheese sticks and yogurt.  Alas, he has tormenters as parents that make him try to eat meat and vegetables.  Kailan is in acute suffering and lets us know with occasional ear-piercing shrieking when we deny his request for “moo shees”. 

Daycare has also been a bit trying as of late.  There are two biters in his class and they seem to be right next to Kai when their cannibalistic tendencies arise.  We are happy when a week goes by that he does not get bitten by these little carnivores.  I have given a few suggestions to their teacher (who agreed with me on biting them back); however there are limits as to what they can do.  In the end it is the parents’ responsibility.  So…yes, we are a bit peeved at the parents’ inaction with their kids.  It may be mean to bite your kid, but when he is biting other children…how is it fair to them?  The daycare can’t tell us who it is, but since Kai can talk…we know.  Yesterday, daycare had a Valentine’s Day party and the one that I know has bitten Kai had no parents that attended. They probably didn’t want to get cornered by an angry mob wielding pitchforks.  I only had a straw, but I would have wielded it.