Each month, the toddler room at daycare chooses one of the little ones to be the “Star” of the month.  They each get a turn.  The teacher puts pictures of them up on the board to showcase their cuteness, and so they can point at themselves all day long and say their name.  Exciting times for toddlers!

This month is Anya’s turn.  I wonder if her teacher realizes that telling me, “Just bring in as many pictures as you want”, is not a wise thing to say! I did control myself, though.  I think I only brought in 8 pictures.  That’s self control, right?  I made sure I had pictures of her with daddy, mommy and Kailan….not all together, of course.  That would mean that I would have a spare family picture and since we only got 3 taken all last year, there were no extras to laminate and stick on a wall.

I have noticed though, that since I went digital I don’t develop as many pictures as when I had a film camera.  I still develop PLENTY, though.  I try to control myself and only develop the ones that I intend to put in a scrapbook, but since I take so many pictures that I love sometimes it is hard to whittle them down.  Good thing Shutterfly has a program where you can buy pictures in bulk!

I definitely need one! 🙂