Tonight we went for a walk since it turned warm on us…I brought my camera OF COURSE.  So…here is a bit of a documentary of our evening walk.

Here is hubby and the kids on the path around the “lake” (very small lake and nature area close to our house).  See hubby, who is definitely a northern boy, wearing shorts.  Look past him to the lake…notice it is still FROZEN?  Yes, he seems oblivious to the cold, unlike me.  I’m not showing my pasty white legs for quite awhile yet.

Beginning of the walk


This is our cherub-like children looking at the wildlife…the very, VERY tame wildlife.  Let’s not call them wildlife…let’s call them semi-domesticated forest creatures.



The deer.  I only got close enough with my 50MM lens to get this curious fellow.  The other 2 were grazing in some underbrush so I didn’t get a clear shot of them.  I stood taking pictures of him and clicking at him to get his attention so he would look at me.  This went on for several minutes (maybe 5 minutes or so) before they moved on.  I bet these are the guys that eat our Asian Irises each spring.  Bastards.



The mallard ducks jaywalking across the path.



The nasty, nasty, NASTY Canadian Geese.  Did I mention they are nasty??  They crap all over the place and attack people…and they like our area.



It’s pretty here in our little bit of nature in the midst of the suburbs.

the marsh


It got a bit chilly there near the end of our walk and we went past some friends and had a bit of a neighborly get chat.  Friday nights in the ‘hood are pretty exciting here!