It is hard to watch your child struggle at something so much that they start tearing up.  You just want to swoop them up and take them out of the situation that is causing them to get so upset. 

Last Monday was swimming class for the kids.  We took them out for the summer, and when I registered them I put Kailan down a class level.  He had a super tough time last session and we knew it was the right thing to do for him.  Anya on the other hand was doing great.  Her teacher was impressed at how good she was for her age and didn’t think we would have a problem with her moving up to the next level.

Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten everything over the summer.

The class went from her struggling, to her telling us she couldn’t do it, to her crying when it was her turn, to her not even wanting to get off the swim bench. *sigh*  We were right there telling her she could do it (she has!) and trying to reassure her.  She is suffering from a severe lack in confidence of her abilities. 🙁

 On one hand I want to pull her out and put her in the level below again.  On the other I want her to work a bit and get back to where she was before the summer started.  I don’t want to give up too easily without trying.  This week we will be practicing kicking on the bed and maybe that big ole bathtub will be filled more than normal so she can remember how to float. 

If we have to pull her out she may not be doing swimming this session.  We take the kids at the same time to minimize the running around.  There isn’t another class that same night at the level below the one she is in right now.  There is only so much running around we are willing to do with the kids.  She already has a dance class once a week, so at least she does have something she is participating in.  We’ll see how it goes…

Better days…last winter when swimming was FUN.
