Girl child, boy child and then husband have been sick over the last few weeks.   I am hoping to evade the wiley virus that seems to have taken out much of the town here…or at least most of their classmates have had it in one form or the other.  I can’t tell you if it was the piggy flu for certain as they aren’t testing for it and just assuming you have it.  Seems like a pretty big assumption to me.

I don’t think Kailan minded being sick.  He got to watch tv on the couch and play on the computer…his two favorite things in the world!  We tried to send him to school on Thursday since he was fever free, but all the fresh air at recess did him in.  He was pale and didn’t want to eat so I went to pick him up at school.   We came home, he had a little to eat and then he wanted to go take a nap.  Yeah.  THAT  is how sick he was.   Hopefully in a few days all will be well.  That lingering cough is still around.


I am really, really ready for life to go back to normal.  I am tired of the irregular work and life schedules that we have had for the past few months.  The sickness was just the cherry on top of the unsettled mound of dirt flavored ice cream.  Or dust. There’s lots of dust around here.  I know it will be all worthwhile in the end.  I just wish the end of this project would come really soon.

Kailan has all sorts of little projects he wants to do on Halloween.  He found them all in a Halloween crafting book I had as a kid.  We haven’t had time for much on the weekends except for trips to the Home Depot or other construction type shops.  Next weekend I will make sure that we do some Halloween crafts and spend some quality time playing together.  I think we owe it to the little munchkins.

This weekend…well, that’s already full up with plans.  Never a dull moment…