We have to take advantage of those weekend days that are still mild enough to be outside for any length of time.  Winter’s a comin’!  We totally missed the Fall colors this year.  It went really quick, what with the SNOW and all.  Plus, it has just been super busy.  Not much time for meandering around the neighborhood.  There’s always next year.  In the meantime, I took the kids to the park last Sunday when it was surprisingly mild.  I even got a few POSED shots.  Lucky me!  This weekend is supposed to be nice, too.  I hope to sneak in a quick family photo…maybe after Mass on Sunday when we are all dressed nice.




I also took these pictures that morning.  Gosh I love that location.  Maybe someday I’ll actually get pictures of my family there.  Ah, wishful thinking!  I wish I would have gotten more pictures of them, since it was on the low end of my picture show number, but I think I had at least a few they could use for their holiday photos.  My settings were not correct, so I was not getting as many sharp pictures as I should have gotten.  I was looking at the images thinking, “Wow, my camera is really in need of replacement/repair”.  Then I looked at the settings.  Not sure what happened because they didn’t start out like that.  *Self reminder* check settings more often!!