MWAC = Mom With A Camera

Baby on Board, and a Photography Business, too

Yep, that’s me. 

There are oh, so many things to take offense at in this article, but one point they make is true.  There has been a huge trend of people get a low-end prosumer DSLR camera and hanging out their shingle as a photographer.  I have even seen a few websites of people that have their camera for a few months and declare themselves a professional photographer.  They charge people for taking photographs and don’t know how to work their expensive toy.  I’m all for learning how to be a photographer, but charging people for snapshots just ain’t right! 

I do a lot of research, studying and practice trying to figure out my camera, how to shoot in different lighting situations, how to shoot busy toddlers, etc.  There is so much more to photography than picking up an expensive camera and starting a business.  For myself, I know I am no where near ready to actually charge someone for my services.  I’m not sure that I will ever start a photography business, but I do want to be good at it nevertheless. 

Believe it or not…it isn’t just the camera that you need to take great pictures, as this article seems to suggest.  The whole gist of it is that bored moms want a hobby, so they beg their hubbies to let them buy a high-end camera and then VOILA!! they are photographers.  The other take is that moms that are photographers aren’t really professional photographers.  Apparently having had a baby on your hip bars you from being a professional and doing a great job.  Nice.

To add insult to injury it was a female that wrote the article.  Way to further sexism, sista!  I give you two thumbs up!

I guess the one thing that tends to irritate me a might bit is when I show people my photographs and get, “Wow!  What kind of camera do have??”  Because, obviously, it had nothing to do with any skill of mine that would create such images.  Yes, DSLR’s can take great, clear photographs, but without some knowledge behind the lens they are little more than snapshots.  To get those great, professional looking images, you need to know how to wield that camera to make truly lasting memories.

It is a constant learning process, but if you appreciate the art inherent in good photography then it is all worthwhile.