I have one baby blanket done and delivered.  His Daddy is a hunter, so I thought they would like this one.  Those little froggies are so cute, too!  This is flannel and minkee with a satin border:


I made one princessy-tulley-shiny dress.  I’m not completely happy with how it turned out, but not sure I’ve got it in me to rip it all out! I don’t really like how low the drop waist went and it is roomy on her. I wanted it roomy since it is cotton and didn’t want it too restrictive, but it is a little bit too roomy. It has a zipper up the back, which actually looks pretty good. Oh well, she loved it and that is what is important.  I used cotton (love the multi-ethnic princesses), tulle(6 yards), silver lamé and a flower ribbon on this one. Self-drafted.



I took some pictures of the other pair of pants for the boy.  Same modified Ottobre pattern as the last pair, and it is corduroy with the doggies embroidered on it.  It has a faux fly and elastic waist.  He looks exceedingly cute in them.  🙂


I also got Anya’s hat knitted for her, so that is done.  When I tried to get a picture she was just a tad bit cranky.  I’ll try again when she is in a better mood.  Now I need to pick up some Brown yarn for Kailan, since he of course wants one now, too. 

I still have those two baby blankets that I need to get done, but I have some painting that is top priority.  On my sewing list:

  • 2 baby blankets
  • Sew up the 2 pairs of pants for Kai that I have cut out
  • Underdress for Anya’s holiday dress (the top duiponi silk dress is done, but I’m going to wait to post it until the underdress is finished)
  • A mock up of a vest for Kailan, then sew up the vest in the light blue silk I bought for it.
  • A mock up for Kailan’s teacher of the folder holders that will go over the back of the chairs.  This won’t be too hard, I just need to start on it.  I was planning on doing them over the holiday break, but need to have a sample done to make sure it fits!
  • Christmas presents – this list is quite long.  I’ll post the projects for the kids as I can – the grown up ones I will wait until after the holidays.  Don’t want to give that away!

Hope everyone had a productive week!