The auction went very well for our friend Bekki.  Her friends really rallied around to support her and her family and raised a heap of cash for them.  How fabulous is that?? 

Unfortunately we were double-booked that day, since I had already offered to take our niece’s prom pictures and do her hair.  We got to the auction late and all the clean up had been done.  I was bummed we weren’t there to help, but at least we gave what we could to help out with the food and the silent auction items.  I was happy that whomever won the dress, took it home so I don’t have to make another one.  One of our friends won the photography session, so that is less stressful for me, too.  Friends are much more forgiving than strangers!  I will do my best, of course, but I am new at this stuff.

Bekki is doing good.   She’s at home now with her parents and looks great.  She will still need additional surgery to put her skull pieces back in and has yet to regain her sight.  She will persevere, though.  In that, I have faith.