This weekend I painted the new office (Anya’s old room) and Anya’s new room.  I also painted the entryway up to the upstairs hallway last weekend, the new textured spot in the bathroom where the wall was fixed and various other spots that needed touching up.  Then I transferred the contents of 24 cans of paint into 24 quart and pint jars for easier storage.  The remains will go to the recyling place.


The paintbrushes are going on an extended hiatus for the time being.  My body is not very happy with me right now.  That’s a whole lot of edging and straining and being on my feet.  At least it is done now, and I did get a few things off my 2010 goal list.  *big sigh*

I painted Brian’s office grey, so as to match an art print we both like.  Anya’s room looks like a piece of bubblegum exploded, so she’s a happy little 4 year old girl.  I did do some “swirlies” on the wall at her request in a darker pink and purple.  I just need to do some organizing before showing pictures of her so very pink room.  Maybe some curtains, too.  It’s at least twice as big as her old room, so she can clutter up the space twice as much.


I know I owe some pictures of actual decorated spaces.  I have been lax in that department lately.  I’m hoping for this weekend.  I am only home during daylights hours during the weekend, so I am a bit limited.  Lately that time has been spent working on those spaces, so the pictures have taken a back seat.  Luckily this weekend we are hosting a wine drinking party at our house for a few friends, so that means it will be clean and as decorated as possible.  I am SURE I can grab some photos then.  Well, pretty sure, anyways…