We have had doin’s, goin’-on’s and fun stuff over here…

Last weekend we traversed to my folks for their annual fish fry extravaganza.  I gained 1.5 pounds during the night and proceeded to eat salads the rest of the week to make up for it.  It was worth it.  My dad made this grilled salmon wrapped around a cream cheese and crab mixture.  Yum.  There were many other sinful foods, too.  We drank wine, ate, conversed and had a great time.  I forgot to pick up my camera to take some pictures, as I was far to busy living in the moment.  There were several knee high to a grasshopper chitlens running around and having lots of fun.  Kai crashed on the couch before the last of the guests left and Anya regaled us with her running abilities as she ran from the kitchen to the living as fast as she could, as many times as she could.  We watched and drank and marveled at her energy level.  Not surprisingly she actually napped in the car on the way home the next day.  It was a small miracle, but a miracle nonetheless.

Tonight we are going to a wine tasting at a sorta neighbors house.  We are trying out a new sitter, so we have more than one person to call.  It’s good to have a few options.  Hopefully she doesn’t think we are too wierd with all the swords on the wall, but she probably will think we are wierd so no use trying to dispell that assumption, right??  Anyways, this is the place where you take an appetizer and attempt to win for best tasting.  Shall I try for 3 for 3??  I was thinking of bringing Scottish Eggs.  That should pair fairly well with a red.  If you haven’t had them before, it is basically a hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage, breaded and baked or fried with a mustard dipping sauce.  No cholesterol or fat at all…promise.

I finished reading The Stand this week.  I think I started it last Friday or Saturday and finished on Thursday.  It’s a long dang book.  It was a bit depressing, being that most of the world dies and all, but overall it was a good book.  I saw the mini-series on TV many moons ago, so I had to buy it used off of Amazon.  Apparently you can’t rent it since it is out of circulation.  Good thing Sci Fi channel (or I should say SYFY – what moron came up with that??) likes it, since I recall having seen parts of it on there over the years.

I connected with a few of my cousins on Facebook this week, so that was pretty darn exciting.  They live out of state, but really…since they are men I doubt they will be too social on there.  Mostly they will be like Brian and just lurk.  Right, honey? 😉

That’s about it.  As I’m done with my depressing book, I think I need a reading break.  There may actually be some photography and sewing this weekend.  Will wonders never cease.

This is my contribution to the snow pictures that have been seen everywhere.  The novelty is gone, right folks?  Now that Texas and Louisiana got a whole bunch of snow, it isn’t such a unique thing.  I do feel sorry for those in states that are ill-equiped to handle any amount of snow.  What is bothersome to us, is crippling to those that don’t have snowplows constantly on the roads.  Oh, how we like to make fun of you guys, though. 😉

Let’s all hope that spring comes soon!