Ah, yardwork!  ‘Tis the season to get our hands dirty and track dirt all over the house!

Since Brian and I are farm kids, this lets us get back to our roots.  We plant, plant, plant.  Annuals, perrenials, bushes, etc.  When we bought the house, we were told that we had a perrenial garden.  Uh, yeah, more like a weed garden.  Lots and lots of weeds.  Since we moved in during July we let it go that first year. The next year, we were all set.  My dad brought the tiller and we took that hill of weeds to task.  Then we actually had to plant things there.

I tried to plant a garden.  I had a whole bunch of tomatoes and peppers.  What survived the deer and bunnies, didn’t get ripe in time for the first frost.  The next year I tried again.  Again they were ravaged by the deer and bunnies.  Ugh.  Then we tried spraying this Deer Fence product on it that smelled like pee.  Ick!

Now, I just plant my little herb garden, which I actually use, and then we plant our annuals.  We have been trying to get more perennials so we don’t have to plant quite as many annuals, but the annuals are really pretty.  We also have our bulbs…oh my, do we have our bulbs!  The first year my mom brought a small box of Dahlias and Cannas.  Now we have 4 brimming full boxes of mostly Cannas.  I swear, they are more prolific than the plethora of bunnies that like to eat our expensive perrenials.

Here’s some pictures of our gardeny goodness from last year.




We also need to try to get all this yard work done while the children are awake.  Which is about 20 hours out of the day.

This weekend was The Planting Weekend.  We needed to get our dahlias and cannas in the ground as they have been wintering in our basement.  They were growing and that is a sure sign they needed to be planted.  We are quick like that. 

I was outside with the children, attempting to plant all my bulbs, the children attempting to get in the way of planting my bulbs, and Kailan said he hands were getting DIIIRRRTTYYY.  Inside we went to get the garden gloves that I bought for the kids.  Kailan was very excited by the new gloves.

We went outside to proceed to push the dirty dirt on the bulbs. 

Kailan: “My gloves are getting DIIIRRRTTYYY!”  Crestfallen, he was, that he shiny new gloves were dirty.

Momma: “Yes, Kailan, that’s what they are supposed to do.  They are supposed to get dirty…they are garden gloves.  See mommy’s dirty gloves??”

Kailan:  “Well, well, I don’t want them to get DIIIIRRRRTYYY!”

Lordy, hopefully he outgrows this! He proceeded to wear his new gloves EVERYWHERE for the rest of the weekend.  EVERYWHERE.  When we were going through the Home Depot, a nice elderly gentleman that worked there stopped Kailan and told him he was waiting for such a little boy with his garden gloves on all ready to work.  He got a very nice Mickey Mouse sticker for being the standout that he is.