Do not, under any circumstances, tell your aspiring superhero that you will make him a cape.  Do not give him any forewarning of the impending cape.  Just keep it to yourself until it is all finished and ready to present.  Otherwise, you will be subjected to unrelentless nagging, akin to an 80-year old woman.

Kai was looking so cute, trying to make one of his blankets into a superhero cape.  I said, “Well, why don’t I make you a real superhero cape, Kai.”

Kai: “Where is it, mommy?”

Mommy: “I have to make it with my sewing machine, Kai.”

Kai: “Well, I want it.”

Mommy: “Yes, Kai, I know, but you have to wait for me to make it.”

Kai: “Well, well, where is it??”

It went on like this all night long.  ALL. NIGHT. LONG.  After we FINALLY got him to bed, I proceeded to make him his cape:

Superhero Kailan

Nothing extraordinarily special since I had to use what fabric I had in my stash.  I put the “K” for Kailan on there so he would hopefully learn at least one letter in the alphabet.  He calls all letters “B”.  What did he say when I asked him what the letter on his cape was?

