Well, both Alissa and I are behind the ball, so we didn’t see the request for the theme to be self portrait this week until the last minute.  That’s okay!  We pulled it off!


I came home on Wednesday over lunch to take mine in front of our leaning pine tree.   A few things about my picture:

–  Well, first…you probably know what I look like by now, since I am not too shy about self portraits.  So…here’s a non-close up picture showing our lovely snow.

– It was freakin’ cold outside.  When I got in my car for my 7AM dentist appointment yesterday morning the temperature registered at 0 degrees.  It was still freakin’ cold at noon.  I am so over winter!

– I love this winter jacket.  It is a orangish-red suede, but not to worry, the fur isn’t real.  The faux fur makes it eco-friendly, correct? 😉  Brian bought it all by hisself for me for Christmas several years back.  I still get ladies stopping me and asking where I bought it, and impress them with my husband’s taste in cool jackets.

– That tree??  I keep wondering when the next storm will come to take it out.  That will be a sad day, since it is nice and big and blocks the traffic lights.  It seems like every year it leans just a little bit more.

Okay, I think spring needs to come soon.  I mean, even poor Alissa has snow!  I am sure her kids love it since I know our kids don’t seem to realize it is cold outside.  I can’t wait to be able to walk outside again without shivering.  That would loads of fun. 🙂