Yes, it’s a pipe cleaner.  She has tons of the kids’ colored discards around the house.  She has batted them under chairs and couches, where they are surely collecting dust bunnies.  Our little wierdo gets hours of enjoyment in batting them around the house.  Hours.  And we thought she was odd before. 😉


This weekend I am off for the spa with the girlfriends.  A historic little river town about an hour from here has a spa with a house next door that they rent out to groups.  We are all going to get facials, massages and our tootsies painted and then eat some finger food and drink some wine.  Good times! 🙂 

I’m only bringing a little bit of work with me.  I have to hand sew some little jewels on an outfit for Anya, and I figured sitting down and gabbing with the girls would be a good time to do it.  I have been burning the midnight oil this week working on some designs that have been just wanting to come to life.  So fun!  I won’t be posting them this week, though.  I’ve already got a post ready to go, so it will be another week for them.  Maybe I will add to the three I’ve been working on.  I really hope she wears them this summer, since they are so cute, if I do say so myself.

I am hoping that I’m not too hung-over on Sunday, since I have some sewing to get done when I get home.  I have 3 photoshoots coming up in the next month (2 are small weddings), so my weekend sewing time is going to go *POOF*.  I need to get those chair folder things done and off the to do list.  I’m hoping they will only take me 4 hours for the 24 of them. I’m crossing my fingers…

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 🙂