When the children were babies, we co-slept with them.  I had no worries about rolling over on them, or Brian doing the same.  I was able to nurse them and go back to sleep with ease, so it gave me the most amount of sleep I could get.  Once they moved past the nursing stage, they stayed in their own beds.

Ah, the good old days when the crib could keep them prisoner!

Now, Kailan crawls into bed with us at some point in the night.  Usually it is an hour or so before it’s time to get up.  This happens fairly often.  Anya does it less.  Usually if she has a bad dream, she will crawl in on my side.  Kailan heads for Daddy first, so Brian gets woke up pretty much once a night every night.  Sometimes I sleep through it.  However, it is usually close to morning and he doesn’t always go back to sleep. 

He sniffles.

And sighs.

And watches the clock until he thinks he can ask us if he can get up and watch cartoons.

We need a 12 step program over here.  The kid is an addict.

Yes, we then let him go watch cartoons because WE. NEED. SOME. SLEEP.


Sometimes you just do what you have to in order to maintain some semblance of sanity.

C’mon kid, you are growing!  You need to sleep.