Well, I don’t know who it really interested in my battle against the muffin top, but I thought I would put up my current status.  I seem to be doing more exercising than blogging lately.  I’m pretty sure it is pretty decent trade off though, since my health is supposed to be important. 😉

The scale is slowly moving south with sloth-like speed.

After my initial food deprivation that kick-started my loss in the unhealthiest way possible, I added back in a bit more wine and indulgences.  I usually have a small piece of dark chocolate each day, but no sweet treats (cake, pastries, cookies, etc.).  I also have my dark chocolate light mint mocha at my favorite coffee shop.  That is only a once a week indulgence, and I do get a small.  Not too sinful right?  Can you tell I’m trying to rationalize??

Right now I’m probably at my lowest weight in 4 years (~128-130lbs at 5’7″).  However, the flabby-ness doth prevail.  I need to do about a thousand or so, give or take, sit ups to get that tummy looking less like a marshmallow.  Unfortunately I do believe the stretchmarks are here to stay.  *sigh*

I jump (figuratively) on the scale every morning.  Just to see how the pounds came on when I consumed those two glasses of fine red wine and Dubliner cheese in a fit of gluttonous decadence.  Apparently every calorie counts.  At least I have become a lover of yummy salads, which is helpful to offset my more caloric eating.

In June I started my exercise regimen.  I try to do cardio 5-6 days a week and strength training around 2-3 days a week.  This is helping me tone up and feel better, other than bringing up my activity-induced asthma.  That’s fun.  My albuterol inhaler isn’t really doing squat, either.  I’m good at suffering through…so I’m just dealing with it.

On another note, my mother and sister are now taking medicine for high cholesterol.  Wow, not good.  I’m a bit worried for my annual exam this year.  I hope that having lost 15-20 lbs and exercising will have made it go from borderline high to a healthy range.   

Darn it…I guess I do have to try to be healthy. *kicks the dirt*


If you are looking for a bit of weight-loss inspiration, go to Diane’s blog.  She is a great role model having lost 150 lbs 12 years ago, and having a few babies afterwards.  Such a nice lady, too. 🙂