Hard to believe, but the first year of school is done today, which seems pretty late.  It is due to all those random days off they take during the year.  I KNOW we didn’t have all those days off and we were usually out a few days after Memorial Day.

Kailan has really seemed to enjoy this year.  They have taken the kids on a few field trips, which is always fun for them.  The teacher has had a reading program, where they brought home books a few times a week to read.  Kai did pretty well with that, and now we just need to keep him reading over the summer so he doesn’t forget everything.  We have been really happy with his teacher this year, and hopefully Anya will get her, too.

He had peanut butter sandwiches from home just about everyday during school.  After we discovered that was pretty much all he was eating with his $4 lunches in those scant 15 minutes he is allowed, we decided to save a little moola.  Brian makes him a sandwich while he makes coffee in the morning, and he takes it in his little car lunch bag.

Next year will be first grade and the before/after school care at the elementary school.  They have one more summer at the daycare with their little friends, and then it will be goodbye to that familiar place.  I have really loved their teachers they have had over the years and care they have given our little urchins.  We have started using another one of their teachers as a sitter now, too. 

Life is going by so fast.  I know I say that often, but really…it is.  The first 6 years of Kai’s life has just flown by, and it worries me how fast these next years are going to come and go.  Our lives are so busy these days.  Right now Kailan has t-ball two days a week, both have swimming one day, Anya had dance on Saturdays (but now we are DONE…YAY!!), and next week I will started a bocce ball league with a friend on another day.  A bit too much on our plates right now, so hopefully summer doesn’t just fly by too fast.

Here are the gifts I made for Kailan’s teacher and assistant teacher.  Unfortunately, he informed me on Tuesday night that there were 2 assistant teachers, so I just didn’t get another one done.  No gift for the assistant teachers this year.  I feel guilty, but time just ran out on me.

It’s a luggage tag, a hot/cold neck wrap and a matching gift bag.

Here you can see the plastic layer over the top to hold a business card size.

Hopefully they like them!  Hopefully Kailan’s last day is fun, too. 🙂