Last Thursday was the last game of the season.  Kailan is now all finished with t-ball for the summer.  He has really enjoyed playing, and I’m sure we have lots of ball throwing and hitting to look forward to in the backyard this summer.  That’s okay…he needs a bit of practice.

He’s very enthusiastic in his hitting…timing and aim, well not so much.


Last Tuesday, his Aunt Susie and Grandma Joan came to watch his game.  We packed up some sandwiches and fruit for dinner and then went to the ball field to watch him.  It was a really nice evening outside.  This time was also Kailan’s turn to be the catcher, which was his cousin Sara’s position in softball when she played.

Now Kailan will have to anxiously await baseball for next season.  Hopefully we can get some practice in this summer so he can get a bit more experience and knowledge.  As Brian noted, his coaches didn’t know much about baseball and how to handle the bat, but they were the ones that volunteered.  Can’t complain when it’s all volunteer labor!