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Ah, she’s a beauty…from this mommy’s completely biased opinion. 😉 

Per request, I used my 35mm lens, wide open at f2.0 (remember when shooting shallow to make sure that the eyes are on the same plane for them to both be in focus) at 1/50 (whew, that’s a low shutterspeed!) and ISO 800.  I set my white balance for cloudy since I was using natural light indoors and it sure was cloudy.  Well, rainy actually…it rained most of the weekend and we sure needed it!  She was looking towards a big north-facing window.

For processing, I defogged, dodged the eyes and bumped up the midtones in curves.  It was actually fairly good straight out of the camera, but it’s impossible for me to just let it be…it’s a sickness really!

See more best shots at Picture This.