This year I had some time to actually get some gifts done.  The kids were in school the Monday through Wednesday before Christmas, and I had that time off for vacation.  I got some things made for teachers and some things made for them.  Lots of things.

Aprons for the teachers – which seemed to be summarily loved, which in turn made me feel so good.  🙂  The first one, the teacher said she had a new apron on her Christmas list…so that was as score!  She was impressed it was so nicely ironed, which was funny to me.  Everything lays so much better if you iron as you go. 

Then the second one, the teacher said she didn’t think it would get past dress up with her girls. 🙂  She loved it.  I went to school to help with Kailan’s holiday party, so I spoke to his teacher (apron #2), and they got out a little early.  We went over to Anya’s room and we got invited in for Anya’s party.  They both have such nice teachers.


Then some gifts for the kiddos.  They wanted some blankets like the ones I make for cute little babies, so they basically got whatever I had in the closet…which wasn’t quite as big as I would have liked.  They didn’t care, though.

Then here is a pretty dress for Anya.  I saw this fabric and just had to get it.  Pink AND Sparkly.   You just can’t go wrong  with that for a little girl.  It zips up the front, fully lined top and very twirly.  I made it short-sleeved since I knew she would want to wear it in the summer.  I made a nice fleece jacket to go over it for the winter.  I have to say that I thoroughly love this one!

Ermmm…excuse the mess.  It was the post-Christmas padomonium of gift wrap and toys flung from one side of the room to the other.

Then Kailan got a nice warm fleece outfit.  I thought he would love this fabric with guitars and skullz and “Rock Star” emblazened over it.  He did.  He’s wearing it eating marshmallows and hot chocolate in the picture down a few posts.

Then Anya got a Christmas outfit to wear.  She already had the red shirt that she rarely wore, so I dressed it up with a little lace and a snowflake button and made the Santa skirt with the pretty lace that I am almost out of now.

She wore it to school and then made sure to throw it down for laundry that night so she could have it clean on Christmas.  Love that she appreciates everything! 🙂

I got a few more things done before I headed back to work, that I will try to get pictures of and post in the next few weeks. 

Ah work…the next four months will be so “fun”.  Fun as in “not fun”.  At all.  At least it is so cold outside there isn’t much else you can do.  Hopefully it will be less stressful than last year and I can get my work done easier and faster.  I’d rather not spend my evenings working.  I’ve got other things I’d like to do with my time.  Like read, work out and do some sewing for ME.  😀