Mornings in our house are hard.  We have only one morning person, and that is only because he knows if he doesn’t get up in a timely fashion he may not be able to get his morning infusion of his drug of choice…cartoons.

The rest of us pull our tired bodies out of bed and growl at each other until we have some caffeine and a hot shower…or a hot shower and some caffeine.  Well, no caffeine for Anya, but we are thinking of trying it. 😉

Brian gets up first to start the coffee and make the kids’ sandwiches for lunch.  If he is feeling like yanking on the chain of a junkyard dog, he enters Anya’s bedroom, turns off her fan (white noise) and tells her in a quiet and non-threatening voice that it is time to get up.

She then growls a bit under her covers.  He backs out slowly and waits for me to approach her next.

After I get out of my shower and get halfway dressed, I go into her room and tell her, “TIME TO GET UP!” in my best cheerful drill sergeant voice.  Sometimes she just growls more, sometimes she yells back, “YOU ALREADY ‘TOL ME THAT!”, and sometimes we just get one little bleary eye watching us from a hole in the covers.

I give her 5 more minutes.

Next attack comes in the form of what shall the princess wear?  She is presented with several options from the comfort of her warm covers.  Eventually, we throw our hands up in frustration.  Nothing we choose is what she wants and she won’t move her body from her warm covers to choose something.

I’m sure you know what happens next.

The warm covers are removed from her body. 

Then comes the stomping, furrowed brows with much angst, and the threats of “no-cartoons-for-you-if-you-don’t-start-moving-right-now-young-lady!”.

Every once in a while we are greeted with open eyes and a smile in the morning.  The clouds part, angels sing and double rainbows appear from sea to shining sea.  In other words…it’s a minor miracle when that happens. 

But we are gladdened and take it when we can. However rare it is….   😉