Yesterday Kai and Anya had a playdate with a friend and her baby brother. Reagan is a few months older than Kai but still very much a toddler. Kai has a very cool tricycle that Reagan wanted to use, and Kai does not allow anyone else to use his bike. That is his…no touching, and certainly no riding his bike. Reagan threw a tantrum, which was pretty much her laying silent on the ground with her eyes closed.
Can she pretty please teach Kai how to throw tantrums like that??? We get the screaming, crying and hitting. I would take a prone, silent tantrum any day. Heck, I would even instigate him into a tantrum to get a moments peace!
The rest of the playdate went very well. They pretty much just ran around, played with sticks and then we all had dinner. It was a very nice time for all…and then the tired meltdowns started around 7:00 pm so that heralded the end of the evening. That was when Reagan showed that she really wasn’t that much different than Kai in her tantrums. I was listening to them in another room and had to sit and listen to figure out which kid was crying and saying “MINE”.
Ah, Toddlerhood.
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