I know that some of you expressed interest when I spoke about getting Lasik eye surgery, so I thought I would post a brief update.

I had my follow-up appointment this week, and I passed my eye test with flying colors.  I have 20/15 vision 3 months post-surgery!   😀

She did say that my eyes looked pretty dry, and that I needed to switch back to the sterile eyedrops, but other than that…it’s all good!  I think my eyes are dry more from having pink eye and staring at the computer during work for hours on end, then coming home and either staring at the computer for hours on end or staring at a sewing machine for hours on end until the wee hours.  I think the poor things just need a good rest.

Like that’s gonna happen.

And 3 months post surgery I have yet to get to the DMV and take the “needs glasses to drive!!!” off my driver’s license.  You see, I need to get all purtied up to go there since they have to take a new picture of me, sans glasses.  I can’t wait, since those pictures are oh, sooooo flattering! 😉