There are days with little kids when their angst is just about too much for you to deal with.  The crying, the hysterics, the self absorption…it’s like watching “America’s Next Top Model”. 😉

I was flying solo this weekend as Brian was partying with his buddies in Madison, watching the Badgers play.  This meant that the little drama king and queen were all mine.  Lucky, lucky me.

I was attempting to change them into their jammies and they each wanted to be changed first, so they could “beat” the other.  However, they also wanted to “do it themselves!!”.  This put them in quite the quandary and much yelling ensued.

I would attempt to help one change, they would start yelling, “Do it myself!!”, so I would relent to go help the other.  Repeat. 

Finally, Anya decided she would much rather beat Kailan than do it herself, so I got her changed.  All the while Kailan was screaming, “ME FIRST!!!” and crying hysterically.  Anya was smiling in triumph.

Then I started laughing hysterically.  What else do you do??  It gets so frustrating when dealing with these little bundles of pent up energy and chaotic emotions.  They can be the sweetest things one moment and the next moment they start throwing things because you look at them wrong.  Getting mad doesn’t help, since there is little to no reasoning with these small humans, most especially when they are tired.

The laughing helps.  Well, at least it helped me a little bit…they don’t really appreciate it.  However, it allows me some release of my emotions.  It made me keep them one more day, and not ship them off to the zoo to be put on display for the childless couples as the exhibit for “Why you need to wait to have kids until you are ready!”

They are just lucky they are so cute.