In my addled mommy brain type of way, I had this great plan for going to see Santa for the first time.  Our mall had a whole Santa coming in with the reindeer thing to start off the Christmas shopping season.   We hadn’t taken the kids to see Santa in previous years, mostly because I was too lazy to stand in line to see Santa.  That and I wasn’t going to stand in line for a half hour to just have a screaming kid not want to sit on his lap.  That sounded like a little bit of a waste of time, sprinkled with insanity, to me.

This is the year we were going to see Santa come in and it was going to be FUN!  That was on Friday.  I completely forgot about it until Brian called on the way home from work asking what the plan was.


So, we met at home, picked up the kiddos from daycare and went to grab something to eat before Santa came in at 6pm.  We had an hour to eat, more than enough time, and the steakhouse just down from Santa’s landing pad was beckoning our noses.  We had a great dinner and great fast service up until the last 15 minutes or so.  Of course…

Yes, we missed Santa coming in with the reindeer.  *sigh*

BUT, the reindeer were still out there, as was the sleigh, and Santa was stationed inside in his big ole red chair.  The kids were pretty excited seeing the reindeer, and when Kailan saw Santa, oh boy!  He was excited!  We got in line and waited…and waited…and mommy went to Gap to get some presentable shirts that didn’t feature Elmo (remember I forgot when I dressed them in the morning??)…and waited…and took Kailan to go potty…and waited.  Until finally…

We got to see Santa!

Kailan could hardly stand his own skin, he was so excited to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas.  Anya, not so much.  She would not sit on Santa’s lap at all, so alas, Kailan had Santa all to himself.  See how happy he was?

santa and kai

This photo is courtesy of Santa’s Elves.  We were able to buy a USB flash disk and copyright release for the low, low price of $20.  Works for me!

I think if we hadn’t waited so long (45 minutes!!) and Anya hadn’t been tired she may have sat on his lap.  That big scary man dressed like an apple.  Just maybe. 😉