Four years sure went by fast.  It seems like just yesterday that we were heading over to the hospital in the dark of night.  The birth wasn’t exactly short and sweet, nor was the next few weeks, but we made it through.  I remember maternity leave with Kailan.  We pretty much sat in the library during that cold snowy winter, me reading and Kai nursing.  Sweet days…when he wasn’t being too colicky.

After Anya was born he adjusted pretty well.  He had already been quite the daddy’s boy, so it worked out that Anya was a mommy’s girl.  Each one got their preferred parent.  😉 Now he is pretty equal on loving us, which makes mommy happy.

Last week we had the daycare parent-teacher conferences.  They said he was pretty much everyone’s friend, so that is always good to hear.  He is having issues with learning his letters, so we have been working pretty hard with him on that.  He has been doing pretty well in learning them.  We think he just has an attention span issue, more than not being able to learn.  He is just far too interested in playing than paying attention to those boring letters.

Since I could not get to take my uploaded pictures, I will just have to show them here.  Oh, how he has grown!

The past three years… 

in the hospital

3 months

6 months   12 months

1.5 years 

This year….

kai 1  kai 2  kai 3

kai 4  kai 5  kai 6

kai 7  kai 8  kai 9

More to come on his birthday…we are having his lizard party with his friends today.  Real lizards and a boa constrictor in my house…should be interesting! 😀